Wow! Almost a week with no updates! =)
Alright, I just got back from KL last night and I have a LOT to share with you people but unfortunately tonight I have Arabic test. So, am gonna write a short entry k?
I had a great time for the past 6 days! The weather was HOT! Very. But thank God, it’s raining in the evening.
My brother was in KL too. I was happy to know he’s around. Though we didn’t talk that much coz he is kind of The Silent One of the family. Hehe. But seeing his face and spending time at home with him around was enough for me. I love him. And I miss him.
Seth and I went to Book Fair in PWTC. They were many people! Thousands! It’s hard to walk around. Serious. We bumped into my friends (Ain, Shuwa, Gee and Inda). Shuwa and Ain had a great time “usha-ing” my boyfriend from afar. (Actually, they were very near to him. He just didn’t realize it.) Hehe.
We met two of my school mates from Samura; Melissa and Iman. We had dinner and long chit chat. We spent time with Seth’s friends too. Had a good laugh because his friends were hilarious!
Now, movies. Of course we watched movies; Nim’s Island, “L” Changes the World and also Street Kings. Am not gonna comment of all the three movies because Seth will do all the movie reviews, soon. Alright?
The highlight of the week is Seth’s Faculty’s Dinner! At Palm Garden hotel, Putrajaya. I was there for Seth. The color theme was Black, Red and Gold. When we looked into the hall, we could see sort of like Chemical Romance party! Cool, I tell you. His lecturers are sporting and vogue. Many looked like a Datin. Perhaps, they are. The students were all “stylo-mylo”, gorgeous and smart. Even though I was just a guest in that dinner, they treated me nicely (Thank you). They followed the theme and their dresses were all awesome! (Aku pakai baju kurung biasa. Tapi bukan yg selalu pakai gi kuliah lah. =p) Haha. But I don’t mind. The environment made me happy! I am sure the committee was proud of their results! Good job!
Ok. Sudah habis summary untuk 1 minggu.
Ops. One more thing, someone I call “Happiness” is trying to play with fire. Speaking of the attempt to provoke and hurt Seth and me? Ah, that girl, I feel pity for you.
Hey Happiness, I’ve read your writing girl. =) And I find it funny. Awak ada bakat jadi badut lah. Hehe. And Thank you for all the insults in your writing, though. Nah, I am not angry. =) Anyway, I’m gonna let you smile and feel great and superior about your own self first for the time being. Because I know you feel good doing it. You feel good pointing your fingers at us, the fat-egoistic-old-looking-ordinary couple, don’t u? It's ok... Enjoy what you just did. =)
Smile and laugh while you still can. Anyway, I leave a Thank you comment in your post, girl. =)
To the rest of my readers, have a good day!! Hehehe. God, I love last week!! Thank you!
Gudluck for ur arabic test,my dear =)
Thank you kak noi! =)
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