Saturday, June 20, 2009

Dan aku petik...

We have ONE big machine in the office.
Everybody uses it for printing, scanning and photostating.
Everybody, from all projects.
We have to queue, we have to wait, patiently.

We have ONE big machine in the office.


youramoi said...

betol ke facts ni??
then u have to ask the boss to buy a new machine.
then you'll have TWO big machine in the office ;P

Sabrina said...

manje, machine sekarang ni pun sewa. haha. and fyi, i'm working using my own laptop. Jangankan nak tambah lagi satu mesin? tak dapat weh... hehe.

Teddy said...

machine itu bisa mengeratkan siraturahim antara officemate =)

Hanafee said...

office saya pun ada satu sahaja mesin photostat... seronok duduk berhampiran mesin photostat sebab boleh tgk ramai org marah pada benda yang tidak hidup hahha

"Mesin ni tak sekolah ke aper?"

"Ntah apa apa mesin photostat ni"

hahahhahaa kelakar